Note: These are simplified un-adjusted parameters from these references. Inter-subject variation and covariate-adjustment (e.g., weight) should be assessed carefully in design.
IC50 denotes the estimated concentration that achieves 50% in vitro neutralization. These are simple approximations to illustrate the range of these values. Parameters may differ from references as the geometric means here are defined by the average IC50 among sensitive viruses.
Bryan T. Mayer, Allan C. deCamp, Yunda Huang, Joshua T. Schiffer, Raphael Gottardo, Peter B. Gilbert, Daniel B. Reeves.
Optimizing clinical dosing of combination broadly neutralizing antibodies for HIV prevention. PLoS Comput Biol. Apr 6;18(4):e1010003. 2022. PMID: 35385469; PMCID: PMC9084525.